Monday, October 17, 2011

"If you give a first grader pizza they are going to want beer"

After reading If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff we studied cause and effect stories. I then had each student create their own version "If you give a first grader pizza" story. This is by far the best one!

Columbus Day

 Columbus Day was last week.
 In social studies we studied Columbus and I had the children recite the poem (In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue) to me individually as we created his ship. One boy recites this to me and then says: "Columbus is still alive right?" After explaining to him that he has passed away and that 1492 was a long time ago he then says: "Well that doesn't make sense because my great grandpa is still alive!"

Johnny Appleseed Day

Johnny Appleseed Day in September!

I'm just now learning how to post pictures on my blog posts so I thought I would share some every once in awhile to show what we have been doing.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Noun Town with Pubs

This past week we learned about nouns. On Thursday we went on a noun scavenger hunt. Then we worked on a class project to create a "noun town". Each table group was assigned either a person, place, or thing category. As I was helping the "places" table decide what they wanted to add to the town one little girl looks at me and says "we need to have a pub in our town for sure!" I guess we know where her parents go on the weekend. At least she knew it was a noun (=