Thursday, February 9, 2012

You know you teach first grade when.....

* You once neatest hand writers are all the sudden writing their names illegibly because they are attempting to write in cursive with no formal instruction. 

* You have considered changing your name to anything other than what it is because if you hear Ms. _______ one more time in one day you might scream. 

*You have at least 1 Dr. Jean cd

*You have ever pulled out a loose tooth...and then get just as excited as the student when the tooth actually comes out!

*On the same note: you silently go crazy every time a student repeatedly gets up from the carpet to get a tissue to wiggle a loose tooth. 

*It is not abnormal for you to say "please get your fingers out of your nose!!" at least once if not 20 times a day. 

*You go through no less than 422 glue sticks a year.

*You get just as excited as the kids do when a Scholastic Book Order comes in. 

*If you had a $0.50 for every question you answered in a day you could retire at age 30.

* You have a closet full of clorox wipes and hand sanatizer in your classroom. 

* Your heart smiles when you hear firsties read, smiling at the fact that you are responsible for that. 

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